Meet The Dolls

Want to meet my dolls?  Here are their profiles!

Name:  Kate Mary Dayley
Age:  10
Birthday:  November 28th
Likes:  Ballet, Dancing, Anything Pink

Name:  Hillary Rose Penderwick
Age:  13
Birthday:  February 17th
Likes:  Fashion, Clothes, Sewing

Name:  Kristi Elizabeth Stone
Birthday:  April 26th
Age:  14
Likes:  Music, Guitar, Acting

Name:  Kanani Moana Akina
Age:  12
Birthday:  June 22nd
Likes:  Cooking, Baking, Swimming

Name:  Sam Taylor Schneider
Age:  11
Birthday:  September 1st
Likes:  Art, Drawing, Painting

Name:  Alaina Quinn Melendi
Age:  10
Birthday:  August 4th
Likes:  Writing, Reading, School

Name:  Nara Malea Hawakon
Age:  9
Birthday:  October 31st
Likes:  Animals, Plants, Outdoors

Name:  Sky Katniss Hyacinth Everdeen
Age: 13
Birthday:  March 23rd
Likes:  Sports, Sports, and more Sports!

Name:  Tanner Ethan White
Age:  13
Birthday:  May 5th
Likes:  Swimming,  Football, and many other sports

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